Legal Community Response to COVID-19

(Updated Aug 25)
CONTACT CBA Saskatchewan
Monteen Dent, Executive Director
Jodi Snow, Member Services Coordinator
@CBA_SK (Twitter)
@CBAsask (Facebook)
Return To Office: Resources to help transition back to in-office operations
**Updated as of May 19** - CBA Return To Office - Considerations for Law Firms
Click HERE for COVID-19 Printable Signage for the Workplace
Information Regarding CBASK Zoom Meetings: Zoom-Message-CBASK-Apr-6
American College of Trial Lawyers: Resources on how Trials can be conducted during the pandemic
CBA Young Lawyers Section is launching Coffee in the Times of COVID, a virtual meet-up held weekly to discuss a topic of common interest for young lawyers (with some for articling students and law students too!)
Resource Articles
Saskatchewan Tax Update (Updated May 18) : Amanda Doucette from Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP has written an article specifically for CBA Members titled TAX UPDATE – THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA RESPONSE TO COVID-19. Ms. Doucette will be providing updates as the information changes so please ensure you check back regularily.
McKinsey Report: Implications of COVID-19 for Law Firms (May 28/20)
Best Practices for Remote Hearings (May 13/20) - Click HERE to download or read the article
Update from The Honourable Chief Justice Popescul (Apr 23/20)- Court of Queen's Bench
ISC (Mar 26/20)-Registrars of Titles direction on the witnessing of documents submitted to the Land Registry
Key Amendments from Labour Relations and Workplace Safety (Mar 27/20)
Mindful Moments – quick little reminders how to incorporate some wellness into your daily activities CLICK HERE
Visit the CDC to learn about Stress & Coping
Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use Support
Mental Health Commission of Canada: Wellness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
PD Priority Programming (all branches)
The CCCA has developed a new Webinar Series "In the House with In-House
As a CBA member you can access PD across all branches of the CBA. Visit the CBA COVID-19 Resource Hub – Professional Development for a listing of most current offerings, or and search by topic or provider and click the tab “Live Online”
Federal Government Relief Programs
While details of programs will not be finalized for weeks, CBA is working on keeping members informed. CBA National has just published this article The COVID-19 Emergency Wage Subsidy: Read the Fine Print be sure to also check out the CBA's COVID-19 Resource Hub for updates
CBA Resources
Saskatchewan Court Updates
Court of Appeal
Court of Queen’s Bench
Provincial Court
@SKCourts (Twitter)
Law Society of Saskatchewan Updates
@LawSocietySask (Twitter)
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (Saskatchewan) Offers a free, confidential assistance program for lawyers, judges, articling students, law students and their immediate family members. or call directly 1-800-663-1142.
Government of Saskatchewan: Government of Saskatchewan COVID-19 Specific Content including a Self-assessment Tool, Re-Open Saskatchewan and Public Health Orders.
@SKGov (Twitter)