CBASK Welcomes the 2023 – 2024 Board of Directors

  • September 06, 2023

CBASK welcomes President, Steven Dribnenki, who currently works as Legal Counsel with City of Regina. A special thank you to outgoing President, Jana Linner, K.C., [MLT AIKINS LLP] for all her contributions and leadership over this past year. Although Jana’s Presidential year has end, she will remain on the Board of Directors for a further year as Past-President.

Additionally, CBASK welcomes D. Mark Dolan [LAKEFIELD LLP] as Vice-President, Jessie C. Buydens [SCOTT PHELPS & MASON] as Treasurer, Anna Beatch [MLT AIKINS LLP] as Education Director, James D. Steele [ROBERTSON STROMBERG LLP] as Legislation & Law Reform Director, and Annie B. Quangtakoune [MCKERCHER LLP] as Outreach Director. CBA Saskatchewan wishes to thank all members of the Board for their commitment to furthering the initiatives of CBA both locally and nationally.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Director, Monteen Dent, are responsible for the regular activities and activities of the Branch. The incoming Treasurer is elected each year and progresses annually to the position of Vice-President, President and finally Past-President. 

The CBASK governance structure includes a Branch Council that meets twice annually to perform its duties and make policy decisions. CBASK also has several Committees covering a range of areas such as advocacy and legislative review, with special committees and task forces being appointed as needed.

CBASK thanks its many dedicated volunteers for their time, commitments, and contributions to the association and welcomes everyone to a new CBA year!

